What is 102 days of You?
Embark on "102 Days of You," a transformative 102-day challenge designed to cultivate personal growth, discipline, and resilience. This journey invites you to select and commit to five core daily tasks that resonate with your personal aspirations—be it enhancing your fitness, mastering a new skill, or fostering mental well-being. With the option to incorporate bonus tasks for an additional challenge, "102 Days of You" offers a dynamic and customizable path to self-improvement. Engage with a supportive community, track your progress, and discover daily motivations to remain inspired. Start your challenge today and unlock the potential to become the best version of yourself in just over three months.
Meet the Creator of 102 Days of You
Katrina Kubicina, a certified life coach trained by MindValley, is on a mission to empower individuals to live their healthiest and happiest lives. Through her program "102 Days of You," she guides people on a transformative journey towards self-discovery, personal growth, and holistic well-being. With a passion for helping others unlock their full potential, Katrina combines her expertise in coaching with a compassionate approach, providing personalized support and guidance every step of the way. Whether it's overcoming obstacles, setting and achieving goals, or cultivating a positive mindset, Katrina is dedicated to helping her clients thrive and create a life they love.
“Your journey to wellness starts with the decision to try.”
102 Days of You